We are happy to be offering a community dig at Clone Church in Ferns, County Wexford this summer. This project is funded by Ancient Connections. For more information on the project, as well as event details and the registration link, see below!
Where? Located in Clone, Co. Wexford.
When? The dig will take place in the end of August, with exact dates TBC, depending on the harvest.
Background: Clone is a high medieval church located about 2.5km south of Ferns town. The remains at Clone consist of a church, graveyard, three cross-slabs, sundial, a bullaun stone, and a piece of passage tomb rock art. Excavations done by the IAFS in 2019, particularly the radiometric dates gathered then, seem to confirm an early medieval foundation at Clone, as well as indicate that the monastery ditches were backfilled sometime between the late seventh and early ninth centuries. While the foundation date for Clone is unknown, radiocarbon dates and the potential association with Ferns suggest it is likely closer to the sixth or seventh century. Read more about the project, which is a partnership with the Clone Church Conservation Project, and site here.